September 2019

Issue 7

Sweet Alabama by Barbara Ridley (Commentary)

Not So Fast, My Dear by Peggy Phillips (Memoir) with illustration by Joesph Cotsirilos

An Invitation by Michael Smith (Poetry/Photography)

…Son: Counterculture Feminist Poet Raises Football Player by Sharon Doubiago (Memoir)

Urban Markings In Encaustics by Claudia Marseille (Painting)

The Alien Becoming the Familiar by Margaret Kokka (Memoir)

Bengal Tiger by Tatianna Sanabria (Poetry)

Into The Light by Bob Pizzi (Photography)

Journey As A Circle Searching For Itself by Carl Kopman (Fiction)

Who’s Who – Letter from the Editor

The young cartoonist, Joseph Cotsirilos is cousin to Peggy Phillips who is not only cousin to my wife, but also a member of Friday Writers, a group that includes Margaret Kokka and me, Carl Kopman.

And speaking of writing groups, that’s how I met Barbara Ridley (a decade ago) and Claudia Marseille (more recently) in David Schweidel’s Thursday Night Class.

How’s is this for a circle?  Tatianna Sanabria’s future father-in-law enticed me to, not only, come to Mendocino in 1970 where I met my dear friend, Sharon Doubiago, but also introduced me to Michael Smith who has been my physician for over forty years.

So that leaves Bob Pizzi, my karmic connection, who I met while doing volunteer work at a Buddhist monastery in Nepal. We serve together on the board of Restoration Works International.

And that’s how these circles came to be!

Enjoy this issue.

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Carl Kopman

Interconnecting Circles