October 2020
Issue 9
A Collection Of These Things by Carl Kopman (Fiction)
Grief Interrupted by Pat Gallagher (Memoir)
Milosz and the Metropolitan by David Schweidel (Memoir)
From Son: Counterculture Feminist Poet Mom Raises Football Player by Sharon Doubiago (Memoir)
The O’Connor’s by Peggy Phillips (Memoir)
Slow March To Perfection: Three Pieces by Mardith Louisell (Fiction)
Class Photo by Duff Reiter (Memoir)
The Hiking Club; A Vocabulary Of Yearning by Linda Simmel (Art)
Searching For Shangri-La by Peter Wowkowych (Photography)
Beach Objects by Daniel Danzig (Photography/Poetry)
Who’s Who (In A Run-on Sentence Given License As A Poem)
I heard Sharon Doubiago
read her first poetry in Mendocino
in nineteen-seventy-something
during the same when and where
Linda Simmel,
walking a beach
at Van Dam State Park,
introduced herself to my not yet wife,
who in the way of circles interconnecting,
introduced me to
Peter Wowkowych
who she met in Nepal,
Duff Reiter,
maybe the most decent guy I know,
Mardith Louisell,
client and friend and friend of a friend,
And Peggy Phillips, her prima, now my prima,
with whom I write every Friday
in a group formed by
Pat Gallagher
who does not know but would like
David Schweidel
in whose Thursday class I met dear
Karen Hunt (of other ICC Issues)
who introduced me to
Daniel Danzig who
along with you, dear reader,
draws the line to complete
the run-on-ing-ness of this sentence
and the interconnect of these circles.