May 2020
Issue 8
Great Expectations by Karen Hunt (Fiction)
Search by Alice Feller (Memoir)
Ocean Poem by Michael Smith (Poetry)
Cartoons by Peter Gallagher (Art)
Earth, Wind and Ocean by Micaela Marsden(Painting)
Seeing Homelessness by Daniel Danzig (Essay & Photography)
The Nature of Hope by Carl Kopman (Fiction)
A Window Away by Nandini Raisurana (Poetry)
The Temporary Nature Of… by Carl Kopman (Poetry)
Who’s Who
Micaela Marsden comes to us from a circle of friends back in the day of Mendocino in the 1970’s, Alice Feller, from a decade of writing with David Schweidel’s Thursday Night Group, and Peter Gallagher, who recently passed away, is the brother of a friend, Pat Gallagher, whose writing frequently appears on these pages.
Karen Hunt, Michael Smith, Daniel Danzig, Nandini Raisaurana, and Carl Kopman are featured in previous issues of Inter-Connecting-Circles. Their work can be referenced at our newly placed Contributors page in the menu bar.
Please leave a comment for Alice, Karen, Micaela, Daniel, Michael, Peter, Nandini and Carl. They would love to hear from you.