
Peter Gallagher (January 1946 – October 2019)

Peter was at heart an artist. He had a passion for drawing and a wry sense of humor. He developed a flair for cartooning and was just getting started in that direction when he contracted a catastrophic beta-strep infection, resulting in the loss of three fingers of his drawing hand. In spite of multiple surgeries and intensive physical therapy he was never able to regain the refined skill he possessed before the accident. He continued to draw but lamented the loss. Tragically, a number of years later Peter developed an agressive form of Parkinsons’ disease that robbed him further of his capacity to draw. As Peter says in the drawing, so there you have it.

Traffic Problems (circa 1985)

Interconnecting Circles

Peter Gallagher
January 1946 – October 2019
Peter Gallagher is the brother of Pat Gallagher, a frequent contributor to this magazine.

#Peter Gallagher


  1. valorie olsen - April 30, 2024 @ 8:03 pm

    What fun to run into Peter’s wry wit. Thanks Pat.

  2. Daniel Danzig - June 8, 2020 @ 10:47 am

    Thanks for honoring your brother, Pat.

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