How Does One Name Peace

Name it the silence that accompanied all creation
Name it the wordlessness of animals
Name it does not live by the sword
Name it does not hold a grudge

Name it the present, a state of forgiveness
Name it without longing
Name it the last thing one will ever see
Name it the Appalachians without strip mining
Name it the high summits of mountains

Name it Jasmine and Lavendar upon an altar
Name it red Plum tree aflame in the morning light
Name it the calling of a red Tail Hawk
Name it if one child survives, so will all
Name it victory, the one achieved over oneself
Name it the search that remembers itself
Name it the penitent
Name it our shared suffering
Name it in the face of solitude and anguish
Name it our shunned responsibilities
Name it knowing when it will all end
Name it Jacob kneeling for the seventh time before Esau
Name it like in the time of Abraham, yahkdau: victims together
Name it Job bowing his head and giving in
Name it one last time
The earth rising up
Like a fire in the belly
Of all who want to live.

Interconnecting Circles

Rasunah Katz

Rasunah was widely published in journals and literary magazines. She published a book of poetry titled “Buffalo Five”. She is deeply missed.

#Rasunah Katz

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