
Poster by Sam Katz, click to view

If I am so lucky
as to remember those friends
Upon whose dreams I feasted

Whose photographs I carry
still    (alive) dancing   in those silly
broken piano poems I wrote

Of needle bent heroes 
And babies born in teepees
On full moon Cat Mother nights

Oh Mendocino,
Oh Hippie Love,
Oh Ghosts of another life

If I am the one
 to toll the bell
In the mist beyond our journey

I’ll sing farewell
I’ll  remember ye well
From the time of our beginning….


Interconnecting Circles

#Carl Kopman


  1. George Cotsirilos - August 27, 2022 @ 12:57 pm

    Beautiful poems, Carl, both the older one (accompanied by a great photo), and what is obviously one that is somewhat more recent. I hope you will keep writing. Your poems make a difference to us.

  2. Sue Anderson - August 25, 2022 @ 8:07 am

    Really moved by both of your pieces Carl.


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