Wannabe Yeshiva Girl
By Sydney Brenner
Finding Things
People you know & people who know people you know. learn more
By Sydney Brenner
Finding Things
By Martina Reaves
She first arrived at our front door when we lived in Albany at the top of the hill. Skinny and dark black, she looked like a Kenyan long-distance runner and seemed ageless. “Hi, I’m Wanda, your new housekeeper from Marvel Maids.”
By Peggy Phillips
(a secret admirer)
By Dr. Nancy Levine-Jordano
I find myself curious about curiosity. Curious about when and why my curiosity got shut down, and life turned to the pursuit of certainty, knowing and mastery. I feel a new sadness for what I have foreclosed in my life, and an immense appreciation for this process of Opening. This process: this process of psychoanalysis, of imagining, of belief in unforeseen possibilities. This process of the unconscious, the surprise of discovery, the exploration of ineffable dark currents within. My curiosity is awakening. I wander into familiar spaces with questions, finding new thoughts, feelings, awareness.
By Wm. Marc
In January 2017, within a day of each other, two real estate developers became presidents of their countries. In both cases, their inaugurations signaled a sea change in the lives of their citizens.
By Norman Tuck
I was 22 when I left Florida for New York. It was September of 1967. I fit my tools and my clothes into an MGB to follow Interstate 95 north and then east through the Holland Tunnel toward a new life.